Page 9 - 2017-18扶輪基金研習會DRFS電子手冊
P. 9
D istrict R otary F oundation S eminar
國際扶輪社長 文告
RIP Ian Riseley 逸揚 萊斯禮
When someone asks you, “What is Rota-
ry?” what do you say? I think we’ve all had more useful, and user-friendly, than it has
the experience of being asked that decep- been in the past. If for some reason (for ex-
tively simple question and finding ourselves ample, limited internet access) your club is
suddenly at a loss for words. Even the most not able to connect to Rotary Club Central,
articulate among us have a hard time cap- please be in touch with your district gover-
turing the essence of our organization in nor, who will ensure that your information
just a few sentences. can be submitted through other means.
As an organization, Rotary has always I cannot emphasize strongly enough that
had a difficult time conveying the scope of the goal of this effort is not getting the larg-
our work: not just what we do, but how we est and most impressive numbers. There is
do it, and the value of what we contribute not going to be any competition, recogni-
to the world. tion, or public use whatsoever of the num-
As an accountant, I like numbers. They bers reported by any individual club. The
work in every language, and often they goal is accurate and reliable numbers that
communicate complex information much we can present confidently in our public
more effectively than words. That is why, image work, in our membership materials,
in this Rotary year, I am asking each club and to our partners – numbers backed by
to provide Rotary headquarters with two specific data, on the club level, that answer
numbers: the amount of money, both in not only the question, “What is Rotary?”
cash and in kind, spent on humanitarian but the question, “What does Rotary do?”
service; and the number of hours of work I strongly believe that with these num- ▲ 回目錄頁面
performed in Rotary’s name. bers, we will be better able to demonstrate
If we want these numbers to be useful, the value of Rotary: Making a Difference –
they have to be accurate. That means be- which in time will enable us to make more
ginning now to accurately track the hours of a difference, for more people, in more
and the money that our clubs spend on ways, than ever.
their service.
The simplest way for clubs to provide this
information at the end of the year will be
by entering it every month on Rotary Club
Central – a tool that has been completely
rebuilt and relaunched to be significantly