葛登‧麥金納利Gordon R. McInally
蘇格蘭羅西恩的昆斯菲利南區(South Queensferry)扶輪社社員葛登‧麥金納利Gordon R. McInally已獲得2023-24年度國際扶輪社長提名委員會提名。如果無人提出其他的挑戰候選人,他將於10月1日被宣布為社長提名人。
麥金納利畢業於鄧迪大學(University of Dundee)牙齒外科學系,在蘇格蘭愛丁堡自己開設牙科診所。他是英國兒童牙科學會會長,曾擔任多個學術職位。他也曾任長老教會長老、昆斯菲利教區公理會會長,也是該教會總會的主委。
Presidential Initiatives
Prioritizing Mental Health
Talking about mental illness and emotional health may feel uncomfortable, but it's vital to the well-being of our global community. Creating a space where it's safe to address these issues will help provide a welcoming, equitable, and inclusive environment for everyone who interacts with us.
In 2023-24, Gordon will encourage clubs and districts to undertake activities that:
Erase any stigma associated with discussions of emotional well-being
Raise awareness of mental health needs
Improve access to mental health services
Building Peace Through Virtual Exchanges
Rotary has a long history of working for peace through personal connections, but the COVID-19 pandemic has made it difficult to do that face-to-face. Inspired by what we've learned during this time, Gordon will encourage districts to incorporate virtual components into more of their programs, events, and activities. By using innovative technologies to make connections, we give more people the opportunity to experience our global community.
Adding or maintaining these components in Rotary Youth Exchanges, New Generations Service Exchanges, Rotary Friendship Exchanges, and other programs in 2023-24 will:
Give members and participants new ways to experience other cultures, make new friends, and broaden their global awareness
Make membership more accessible to people with time, health, or financial considerations
Build stronger intercultural communication and understanding, and ultimately foster more stable and peaceful communities