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RI社卓越獎 2024-25



要符合社卓越獎(Club Excellence Award)的資格,扶輪社必須是資格完備的有活力扶輪社,或在收到繳款單(Invoice)後立即付清繳款單所有餘額。要驗證貴社是否資格完備,請在My Rotary  > Knowledge & Resources > Club and District Administration > Club Administration(社行政管理)> Manage My Club >Club Finances(社財務)之下Club Invoice,查看貴社的daily club balance report(每日社餘額報告)。您的balance(未結清餘額)應為$0.00。繳款單應於1月中旬和7月中旬郵寄的期限前寄出。


每個扶輪社的領導人可進入扶輪社中央系統(Rotary Club Central),並從可選的目標中選擇至少半數希望達成得獎的目標。這種靈活性使扶輪社可以選擇最息息相關且最可達成的目標。此外,有許多目標可以自行透過在扶輪社中央系統標記為Achievement(已達成)完成通報。各社必須在 6 月 30 日之前實現至少一半的目標才有資格。


●前往扶輪社中央系統(Rotary Club Central)







一旦到達扶輪社中央系統,請瀏覽Club Goals (社目標),再點選2024-25(年度),然後點選All
(全部)來查看各項目標,獲獎資格確定將根據至 6 月 30 日截止的目標實現情況。


扶青社卓越獎:從 2024-25 扶輪社年度開始,扶青社領導人可以登錄扶輪社中央系統選擇和設定他們的目標。就像扶輪社一樣,扶青社需要實現至少一半的目標才能獲得扶青社卓越獎。他們可以全年返回編輯這些目標內容並報告成就。此外,扶青社必須在60天內全額支付其年度扶青社繳款單才有資格。扶青社沒有在扶輪社中央系統設定目標和報告成就,或者沒有在2024-25扶輪社年度開始的60天內繳納會費,將沒有資格


如果您對扶輪社發票或付款匯款位址有疑問,包括您的扶輪社餘額是否為零或收到 60 天提醒信,請聯繫負責我們地區的RI財務代表。( laura.ovalle@ROTARY.ORG )

No 目 標 Goal 內 容 Item (全部26項,至少達成13項)
Enhance Participant Engagement 促使參與者的投入
1 參與服務活動 Service participation 在本扶輪年度,參與貴社服務活動的(社員)人數
How many members will participate in club service activities during the Rotary year?
2 社交活動Social activities 在本扶輪年度,貴社在一般例會之外的舉辦的社交活動數
How many social activities will your club hold outside of regular meetings during the Rotary year?
3 參與扶輪行動團體 Rotary Action Group participation 在本扶輪年度,參加至少一個參與扶輪行動團體 (RAG)的社員人數
How many club members will be members of at least one Rotary Action Group (RAG) during the Rotary year? (經RI核可的國際RAG)
4 參與領導人培訓 Leadership development participation 在本扶輪年度,參與領導人培訓計畫或活動的社員人數
How many members will participate in leadership development programs or activities during the Rotary year?
5 出席地區年會 District conference attendance 將出席地區年會的社員人數
How many members will attend your district conference?
6 使用扶輪官方的宣傳資料 Use of official Rotary promotional materials 為了在社區推廣扶輪,貴社是否透過整扶輪年度使用了「品牌中心」中國際扶輪製作的宣傳或公共服務資料(影片、社群媒體圖形、電子橫幅等)?
Did your club use Rotary International’s promotional advertising and public service materials (videos social media graphics digital banners etc.) available in the Brand Center to post/share content to promote Rotary in your community throughout the Rotary year?
7 參加扶輪聯誼會 Rotary Fellowship participation 在本扶輪年度,參加扶輪聯誼會的社員人數 (經RI核可的國際性團體)
How many club members will be members of a Rotary Fellowship during the Rotary year?
8 參加地區訓練會議 District training participation 貴社將有幾位領導人出席為了準備任務的學習活動?
How many of your club’s leaders will attend a learning event to prepare for their role?
Increase our Impact 增加我們的影響力
9 年度基金捐獻 Annual Fund contributions 貴社及社員,在本扶輪年度將為扶輪基金會年度基金捐獻多少(美元)?
How much money (USD) will be contributed to The Rotary Foundation Annual Fund by your club and its members during the Rotary year?
10 服務計劃 Service projects 本扶輪年度,貴社將完結幾個服務專案?
How many service projects will your club complete during the Rotary year?
11 根除小兒麻痺基金捐獻 PolioPlus Fund contributions 貴社及社員,在本扶輪年度將為扶輪基金會根除小兒麻痺等疾病計畫基金捐獻多少(美元)?
How much money (USD) will be contributed to The Rotary Foundation PolioPlus Fund by your club and its members during the Rotary year?
12 巨額捐獻 Major gifts 在本扶輪年度,一次單筆捐獻10000美元或以上的貴社社員(或與貴社有關的個人)人數
How many single outright donations of US$10000 or more will be made by individuals associated with your club during the Rotary year?
13 入境青少年交換學生 Inbound Youth Exchange students 在本扶輪年度,貴社將接待的入境扶輪青少年交換學生的人數
How many Rotary Youth Exchange students will your club host during the Rotary year?
14 遺贈會會員 Bequest Society members 在本扶輪年度,將10000美元或以上的資產以遺贈計畫捐獻基金會的個人或夫妻之數
During the Rotary year how many individuals or couples will inform The Rotary Foundation of their plans to leave US$10000 or more to The Rotary Foundation through their estate?
15 出境青少年交換學生 Outbound Youth Exchange students 在本扶輪年度,貴社將派遣的扶輪青少年交換學生人數
How many Rotary Youth Exchange students will your club sponsor during the Rotary year?
16 永久基金捐助人 Benefactors 在本扶輪年度中,將指定基金會的永久基金為資產計畫受益者的信息通知扶輪基金會的個人或夫妻,或者以一次捐獻1000美元或以上給永久基金的個人或夫妻
During the Rotary year how many individuals or couples will inform The Rotary Foundation of their estate plans to include the Endowment Fund as a beneficiary or will make an outright gift of US$1000 or more to the Endowment Fund?
Expand Our Reach 擴展我們的觸及
17 扶青社 Rotaract clubs 在本扶輪年度,貴社輔導的新成立或已成立的扶青社數
How many new and existing Rotaract clubs will your club sponsor during the Rotary year?
18 社員人數 Club membership 本扶輪年度結束時,貴社所期望的社員人數
How many total members does your club want by the end of the Rotary year?
19 扶輪少年服務團 Interact clubs 在本扶輪年度,貴社輔導的新設或已成立的扶輪少年服務團數
How many new and existing Interact clubs will your club sponsor during the Rotary year?
20 推薦新社員 New member sponsorship 在本扶輪年度,推薦新社員的現社員人數
How many members will sponsor a new club member during the Rotary year?
21 服務計劃的媒體報導 Media stories about club projects 在本扶輪年度,將由媒體報導貴社的服務計畫的次數
How many media stories will cover your club's projects during the Rotary year?
22 參與扶輪青少年領袖獎活動 (RYLA) RYLA participation 在本扶輪年度,將由貴社輔導參加扶輪青少年領袖獎活動的年參加者人數
How many individuals will your club sponsor to participate in Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) events during the Rotary year?
Increase Our Ability to Adapt增強我們的適應能力
23 策略計畫 Strategic plan 貴社是否有最新的策略計畫 (規劃3~5年社務發展策略計畫)
Does your club have an up-to-date strategic plan?
24 線上狀態 Online presence 貴社的線上狀態是否正確反應貴社的活動?
Does your club's online presence accurately reflect its current activities?
* 目前RI官網RCC顯示的說明如下,請均參照辦理:貴社的品牌資料 (推廣用資料、網站、社群媒體帳戶) 是否使用最新且正確的扶輪標誌,並描述社員為採取行動的人?
Does your club’s branding (promotional materials website social media accounts) use current and correct Rotary logos and portray members as People of Action?
25 更新網站與社群媒體 Update website and social media 在扶輪年度中,貴社每個月將更新網站和社群媒體帳戶多少次,以反映公眾當前感興趣的的活動和資訊?
During the Rotary year how many times per month will your club's website and social media accounts be updated to reflect current activities and information of interest to the public?
26 檢討並考慮更新您的社細則 Review and consider updating your club bylaws 在本扶輪年度,貴社是否已檢討並考慮更新貴社細則,使其與最新的扶輪標準社細則一致?
During the Rotary year has your club reviewed and considered updating your club bylaws to reflect the current Standard Rotary Club Constitution?



1.本資料係依據RCC (扶輪社中央系統)的社目標內容與順序制定,如其有變更,請參照網站內容。

2.常見問題的回答(frequently asked questions ):可以獲取更多目標內容詮釋資訊。
